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Why farmers Opt chemical fertilizers as their first choice but not Bio-fertilizer

Writer: Centyle MartCentyle Mart

Here we are discussing most common misconceptions, benefits of each, over one another. how it is beneficial to the consumer, farmers and the environment.

So, have you ever wondered how it started and people's approached it abandoning their conventional method of organic farming. well, the answer lies in the dusty pages of our history.

In the last years of the British regime, India was struggling with starvation. The Bengal famine in 1943 killed 3 million people in Bengal alone because Britishers sent Indian grains, food stocks for the war reserves during world war 2. That left the drought-hit Bengal province people, for dying.

From that time India was looking for methods to increase the production.

So, in the '40s and 50's India setup large production plants of fertilizers. the fertilizer and chemical Travancore of India limited (#FACT) in Kerala and fertilizer corporation of India limited in Bihar(now Jharkhand) are among them. India's economy was based on agriculture. farmers believed that using chemical fertilizers is the way to increase production. The conventional organic farming crops are more prone to insects attacks so they choose chemical fertilizers and pesticides. After the green revolution, High yield variety (HYV) got introduced in India which increased the agriculture production multi fold and so does the chemical fertilizers. all the farmers and the consumer even the government was unaware of its hazardous impact until a research has done in America which showed its effect on human health and our environment. Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) was developed as an insecticide. it badly impacted wildlife particularly birds, aquatic life and also the groundwater. after breaking into food chain like from the fish, crops and largely from groundwater, when it was consumed it got into the human body and caused various diseases like cancer, a threat to the reproductive health like possible harm to embryo or fetus.

After that successive researchers found out chemical fertilizers effect in long term on environmental health.

What Makes Organically Grown Products more demanding and Genuine

Crops which grow on chemical fertilizers have less nutrients while organic fertilizers are rich in nutrient level and flavor. It may be expensive because of the lack of competition but it is better to spend on healthy organic products than on medication. now, things are changing. Different startups deals in good quality, easy to use and appropriately charged bio-fertilizers. one such startup is Centyle biotech which is a fastest-growing company in the organic fertilizer products industry. all of their products can be found on their e-commerce, website CentyleMart. if you have respect for a healthy life then you must go organic and live healthily.

If you have query or willing to join hand towards Organic or Greem Farming, Please feel free to reach out us at info.centylebiotech@gmail.comor visit



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